I’m Nathan.

Nice to meet you!

Photographer, Business Coach, Husband, and Child of God

When I was young, I was told that a career in art “wouldn’t pay the bills.”

I was told being an entrepreneur was too “risky.”

After having experienced everything from making seven figures in a single year, to making six figures in a single hour (YES...as a creative), I reject every piece of that advice I was given.

I believe that art is worthy and capable of enormous compensation, and that artists can find abundance in their lives - both in their time and money.

The “Starving Artist” is an outdated mentality. It’s archaic. Naive. We’re beyond that era, and I’m doing my part to usher in a brand new one. One where artists are just as worthy of financial freedom as a doctor, lawyer, or engineer.

And it takes some education. It takes some mindset healing. It takes some up-rooting of deep-seated beliefs.

But my career is living proof that it’s possible, and I’m here to teach you how.


I started a photography “business” because I loved photography, knew how to take photos and edit them, and loved it.

But after about 2 years into pursuing a photography business, I was still only booking $2k-$3k per wedding, and getting crickets in my inbox during the worldwide pandemic of 2020.

I started considering if I needed to change my career because I had just gotten married and needed to provide for my family.

I realized my massive problem: I knew my art, but I didn’t know business. I didn’t know how to make money.

I thought I just needed to be the best photographer, with the best client experience to succeed as a photographer.

Unfortunately, I was wrong, and I came to know it quickly and painstakingly.

So I spent the next year putting all my energy into learning business. I read the books. I took the courses. I hired the coaches. I devoured the podcasts. I tested. Hustled. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Got crazy. Swan dove outside my comfort zone.

I transformed my offer and pricing. Overhauled my sales process. Flipped my marketing upside down...

It wasn't always like this for me. I used to be the definition of "starving artist."

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And I realized: “It can really happen… I can pursue my passion, and it can actually provide the life I dreamed of for me and my family.”

That’s the power of business.

If you can learn how to make abundant money on the thing that you love, the full dream becomes a reality.

That’s what I love teaching. I love helping people with the very things that I struggled with.
I will always love the art of photography, the shooting, the editing, etc… and I even have a course on editing and a preset pack because I had to learn those things the hard way as well!

But business is what I love teaching most. And it’s what you’ll find me lighting up about the most in this space.

I want you to see the transformation I saw in my business… and more.

And all praise to God, the following year I was looking back at

at a six-figure year in photography bookings for the first time. 


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